Living Myth Psychotherapy

Living Myth Psychotherapy
Deep healing doesn’t happen alone.
For many of us, the burden of our daily suffering originates from relational wounds imparted on us by those whom we loved or wanted to be loved by. Because the pain from our personal histories occurred in relationship, the healing must happen in relationship too.
Although we may be capable of exploring the depths of our emotional distress on our own, profound healing only happens when we invite another to respond to our pain with the love and connection we didn’t receive in the past. To fully heal we must show our shadow to another.

It’s time for your true self to come out of hiding.
We believe that there is nothing actually wrong with you. Although you may recognize patterns of dysfunctional behaviors that play out for you on the surface, they are the product of deeply programmed beliefs and fears that didn’t originate from inside of you. Instead, these beliefs are inherited from people and events that taught you that you must change who you are fundamentally to be worthy of safety and love.
Real change can only happen when the totality of your being is given full permission to be. This requires you to allow who you truly are to come out of hiding and rise to the surface. When the most repressed aspects of yourself are seen by another and met with love and acceptance instead of the abandonment and rejection you anticipate, true healing happens.